Watch 9 -Why is this one of the most popular Apple clone watches?
The Watch 9 is an updated version of the Watch 8 clone and one of the most popular Apple clones on the market. For people who want a big-screen smartwatch with all the features of a smartwatch on a budget, the W59 is the best choice.

W59 Smart Watch Features |
2.02-Inches IPS Screen,428*518 Pixel |
Wallet Function & Business Card |
GPS Dynamic Route Tract |
Multifunctional NFC |
IP 68 Waterproof |
Health Functions |
جودة التصميم والبناء
On the other hand, this new series has amazing display quality compared to the price. That's what makes the Watch 9's screen my favorite of its kind, it's a large 2.02-inch IPS flat display that protects it better from nicks and scratches, but it's not the best in class or largest screen. Thanks to the high resolution of 428*518 pixels and the high pixel density of 320PPI, the images displayed on the screen are clear.

If you see the bottom of the Watch 9, the first part of the eye curtain is the sensor, each sensor is made of zinc alloy, and the sensor is responsible for all the health and sports functions of the device, and as a new gear upgrade. It can not only monitor heart rate but can also be combined with the algorithm to control the state of the body.

Wallet Function & Business Card
After the smartwatch is connected to the mobile phone, the payment code can be pushed to the watch, and offline payment can be made anytime, anywhere without opening the mobile phone.

GPS Dynamic Route Tract
The Watch 9 can share the motion trajectory with friends, dynamically shoot motion panoramas and background music, and show the motion trajectory just like a movie.

Multifunctional NFC
The new feature of NFC is a newly launched smartwatch that has recently been launched. The company simulates home community access cards, allowing users to open doors with the watch without the need for keys or access cards. It also prevents the loss of keys and access cards, making entry and exit more convenient and secure.

IP 68 Waterproof
على العموم، إنها ساعة جميلة المظهر ولا تبدو مزعجة للغاية، وذلك بفضل شكلها الأنيق. وجود IP68 مقاوم للماء مما يعني أنها لا تتحمل سوى العرق ورذاذ الماء، على الرغم من أن الساعة غير معتمدة للسباحة ولكنها جيدة للارتداء أثناء الأنشطة، لذلك لا أنصح بالسباحة أو تعريضها للمياه الساخنة أو المياه المالحة لتجنب أي ضرر. على المدى الطويل أو القصير ومع وجود مكبر صوت وميكروفون، سيكون تجنبها جيدًا، لكن إذا تعرضت للماء بأي شكل من الأشكال، أفضل تجفيف الساعة بعد غمرها في الماء وقبل تشغيلها حتى لا تتعرض للتلف. يبقى معك لأطول فترة ممكنة.

Health Health Monitoring
The sensors of this The Watch 9 Smartwatches are heart rate and ECG sensors, one of the best on the market and known for delivering good results that will help you take better care of your health and encourage you to exercise more.

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